The big step forward came in 2004 when, with the aid of RaKAT, FiSH began to raise money from the community and was able to purchase its own fully accessible minibus based at its new HQ at the Barnes Green Centre.
Now, working in partnership with Age UK Richmond, FiSH could organise many more outings and shopping trips. These outings not only had the practical value of delivering the individual, together with their shopping, directly to their front door, they also engaged people in meeting and getting to know others.
By now FiSH had fully realised that the psychological benefits of its work were at least equal in impact to the practical help it offered.
During the pandemic, although many activities and outings had to stop to reduce the spread of infection, FiSH used the bus drivers and volunteers to continue many important activities including delivering cream teas and ready meals to those unable to leave home and taking small groups of members to ‘garden teas’ hosted by generous volunteers in their gardens.