Leaving us a gift in your will

FiSH Neighbourhood Care is totally committed to being here to make life better for older people living in Barnes, Mortlake and East Sheen. If you would like to leave us a gift in your will, it will help us to offer friendship, support to many more in the years to come.

We would always recommend that you speak to a qualified professional such as a solicitor, when making or amending your will. We have an information leaflet on wills and POAs here and we can also send that to you in the post if you would prefer.

Having a will and keeping it up-to-date helps ensure that your wishes can be respected and your property and assets benefit people and causes you really care about. Your solicitor will be able to advise you on the required wording to carry out your wishes.

If you wish to leave a gift to FiSH Neighbourhood Care in your will, all you need are our charity details:

FiSH Neighbourhood Care, Barnes Green Centre, Church Road, Barnes, London, SW13 0ES and our registered charity number 114751

How gifts from FiSH supporters have made a difference

We’re always really touched to receive legacies that enable us to provide our services. Often, they come from our users or their friends and family in recognition of the difference that FiSH has made. Here are some of the stories of recent legacies and details of how we have put these generous gifts to use.




Constantine, or Costa as he was known, used to be a gardener. He lived alone in Barnes in a sheltered housing development. He was referred to FiSH by Richmond Rehabilitation after suffering a stroke which affected his mobility. Thanks to the FiSH bus he was able to do...

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In 2018 we received an extremely generous legacy from the estate of former service user Constance, or Con, as she liked to be known. Con lived in Barnes and was a talented sculptress who worked for The Royal Academy of Art for 30 years. Art was her abiding passion,...

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